Monday, November 22, 2010


In every person's life, they have the opportunity to witness miracles. The only challenge is in seeing the miracles for what they are. Often we dismiss the small ones and move on, or find an excuse to make the miracle seem more palatable to our lives. For many of us, God plays a peripheral role. We don't want to let Him (or Her) too close or give Him too much power in our daily existence. It is almost out of a fear that if we admit to our belief, we will be giving up some measure of control over our own lives. We are all a bit control-freakish, but I will get to that later.

I am writing to bear witness to a miracle. I have been fortunate in my life to have witnessed many miracles. My life has been touched several times by difficulties in ways that I wish it hadn't, but it gave me the opportunity to be this great witness. The miracle that I witnessed most recently is the miracle of unconditional and devotional love between a husband and wife. My Bubby-in-law (if that is even a term) passed away this week. It has left a gaping hole in our family for many reasons. She was an exceptionally sweet and kind woman who loved her family and her husband above all else. It was her time. She lived a full and beautiful life. She had the opportunity to watch her grandchildren grow and become parents, and she was strong enough to enjoy the dividends of all that she had spent her life building. The sadness in this story is with the man she left behind. A man who loved her for more than 70 years. A man who looked at her every day, even after her death with the eyes of a new love. A man who saw the beauty of body and of spirit of the woman who stood behind him and made him strong. Together, they have been a blessing and an example to our family of what a husband and wife should truly be. Together, they are a miracle of what is possible between two people who don't forget why they fell in love in the first place, who don't forget to cherish each moment, and who's favourite place was always together.

Getting back to our control-freakish natures. We are so used to being ahead of the game, e-mails, work, phone calls, errands,... the list goes on. We often forget to stop and remember why we do it. I know that I'm as guilty as most of you are. I am always between work and carpool and supper and homework and bathtime - I very rarely stop to enjoy it. The yelling definitely doesn't help (the control-freak in me coming out).  Bubby never raised her voice. Bubby always sat down with her kids for supper (after working out of the house for the entire day). Bubby always had a smile that made you feel like you were the only person in the world. Bubby always had a kind word for everyone. Bubby didn't forget that this applied most especially to the man she shared her life with. We often take things for granted, especially those closest to us. We all need to be miracles for the people around us. We all need to show those around us what love really looks like.

Let's start with those closest to us.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I can do Anything!!!

Feeling super-proud of myself right now, as I nurse my sore hand. I spent the day discovering my inner Martha-ness and recovering my dining room chairs. It was a last-minute decision. Something that has needed doing for longer than I would like to think, and it only happened because I got so supremely disgusted by the chairs at a point this morning that allowed me to run to the fabric store before my next scheduled pick up/drop off/client meeting/work.
Here are the before and after shots:


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A little bit of springtime for your counter

I love Boon.

I have always loved their products.
My kids LOVE their Frog Pod.
Boon's products have always sold well for me and they are one of the companies that I miss the most since I closed the store.

They recently came out with a new drying rack and I am in love all over again!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

I don't have time to be sick.

I don't know whether it's a talent, or just a sign that I'm not taking care of myself properly. I was just diagnosed with my second case of strep throat in the last month. I finished my first round of antibiotics, was doing great, then BAM! Fever, can't swallow, can't sleep... general crappiness.

All I have to see is, thank goodness for penicillin! within 12 hours I was feeling tons better, but my body keeps reminding me that I'm not fully better yet because it keeps making me fall asleep before 9pm. Maybe I need to do what I'm always trying to teach the kids and listen to my body a bit better.

Do any of you have the same problem? Do you let yourself get run down? Do you have any good advice to follow to help people like me?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eyebrow Threading

Who knew??!?!?

I am still in awe of a small indian woman who took a simple piece of thread and made my eyebrows nicer than I ever remember them being before.

Talk about low overhead and a smart business plan! I am impressed!

I went to this little spa in St. Laurent (in the St. Louis shopping Center) called Yafa (appropriately named!).

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Not the parent I expected to be

This is something that I think about constantly.

With my first child, I was the perfect parent. I had more patience than I have ever known. I was in awe of her every breath. I was in awe of my husband for being her father. I prioritized well and my daughter was always on the top of that list. She didn't watch anything on TV until she was 6 months old (nothing!).

We were perfect parents because she was the perfect child.


Fast-forward 8 and a half years and 2 kids later: Patience is really thin. Working from home (read: I never leave my workplace). My ability to prioritize is hampered by the fact that I really just want a few days off. From work. From home. From LIFE! Put a pretty drink in my hand. Sit me in the sun and let me bake.

What happened to that perfect parent?

The way I see it, it is so much easier to manage life when you are eased into it. First kid. Easy first kid. That helps. With each additional family member comes additional challenges, personality conflicts, eating issues, sleeping issues, pooping issues.

I manage this with yelling.

I never said I manage it well. But yelling has become my go-to thing that they listen to. This is a very big problem in my opinion. I feel like crap after I yell, but I yell because I have already asked them nicely to come downstairs, come upstairs, come to dinner, start homework, get dressed, get in pajamas, get in the shower, get out of the shower,... 4 or 5 times.  I can't ask nicely anymore.  They don't even respond with a grunt when I ask nicely. When the crazy yelling mommy shows up, they come downstairs, come upstairs, come to dinner, start homework, get dressed, get in pajamas, get in the shower, get out of the shower,...

I need help and suggestions to avoid yelling but get them to listen. I need a plan of action that I can stick to.

I'm putting this out there because I know how many parents feel the exact same way. Please post your suggestions, ideas, tricks in the comments so that everyone can benefit from them. We can all try and see what works for us.

I know my kids will be grateful. And so will I.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Did you know Spanx made Swimwear????!!!

And you didn't tell me?!?!?

Somehow, I don't really think this model is actually getting any benefit from the Spanx part of this Swimsuit. 

Don't think she needs it. 

Just sayin'.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Procrastinator's New Year's Resolutions

The New Year has come and gone. We are already February. Well people, it is now time for me to make some New Year's resolutions. I don't usually like to make resolutions. They are just another thing for me to add to my list, worry about, not achieve and then remove from my list with that twinge of failure. This year, I'm basing my resolutions on the things that I've already started that are making me feel pretty incredible. We'll go from there.

1) Re-organize my office to make it more efficient. If I can actually reach my printers, there is a much higher chance that I will be able to turn-around a stationery order in a reasonable amount of time. If I can't even find the printer, I may as well go back to bed. I chose to make printer-hiding virtually impossible by moving it out of my general line-of-dumping-crap reach. It is now on the other side of my office. I have cleaned up enough (thanks to some very generous hubby help) that you can actually SEE my floor. I was able to vacuum without fear of sucking up things unknown. This may seem simple to some born-organized people out there, but for me, it is worthy of shedding some tears of joy.

2) Create a consistent work schedule. I have been trying to do this for years. Working from home definitely has its advantages, but the BIGGEST disadvantage (by far) is the ability to procrastinate at a much higher degree of efficiency than virtually any other job. Also, people don't always appreciate that you actually work. Friends call (I don't have to answer, but I always do. I love my friends), coffee or lunch dates are set (I don't get to hang out with co-workers and I NEED people!), house cleaning needs to get done (hee hee! funny.), and errands need to get run. I just need to set work hours and house hours and stick to them. I've already started with this and it feels good when it works out. Eventually, I will get to my final resolution:

3) Exercise 3 to 5 times a week. It doesn't need to be for an hour. I don't want to set a weight goal. I just want to get exercise into my daily routine. I want to look forward to it (I'm always the dreamer), and I want to feel like crap on the days that I don't exercise. Not that I want to feel like crap. I just want to WANT TO do it. Whenever I get excited about exercising, it lasts, at most, 2 weeks before it evaporates. I want exercise to be an ingrained part of my brain. Is that so much to ask??

I have to say, over the years I have found some amazing sites and tools to help me along on these resolutions - they tend to be the same goals every year, month, week,...
Flylady is one of my favourite kick-you-in-the-ass-and-annoy-you-until-you-get-it-done-with-a-smile-on-your-face website. She e-mails you constantly with a little "project" that you should do. Anything can be done in 15 minutes at a time according to her - and she really makes you see that it can be true. If you listen.
Sparkpeople is another one I love. Their goal is very much in line with my 3rd goal - they want you to move. They don't care how hard, how fast, how long - as long as you get your sneakers on and your heart rate up. Oh. And they want you to eat better too. And be a better friend. No. Really. You get points for helping to motivate other online Sparkpeople "friends". It's like Weight Watchers. But with a better online setup and community. And did I mention that it's free?

Finally, you should all know, I have a dream. One day, when my house is clutter-free, and I'm warming up to run a marathon, laundry all folded and away, dishes dried and sink all shiny, supper ready for when the kids come home from school,....

I can't finish this. I'm laughing so hard that tears are running down my face.
I am who I am.
I just wish that someone else took care of all the housework.