Monday, August 29, 2011


Day 1: One day at a time

So yesterday was the first day of "No-Nutella" (and baked yumminess). I did well. I didn't have any Nutella. That's a good start.

I also stuck to the no baked goods thing even though some pretty delicious things were staring me in the face.

Truth be told, I wasn't really worried about day 1. I'm on the bandwagon. It's the days ahead that worry me. As I get progressively more bored with missing out on my comfort foods I don't expect that I will be that much fun to be around. I give in to my cravings pretty easily so I have to try and maintain the momentum of excitement (hopefully see some results) and that should keep me going a bit longer.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Reality and getting started

The kids started school this week which means that life and routines are going to return to some semblance of normal.

Along with routines comes the reality that summer relaxation also reflected in less-than-perfect food choices. I have a friend who has a great ability to get me out of the house and go walking, so we started that, and I am going to try and eat better. I'm posting this so that I have more people that I feel I am accountable to. I have not been so good at sticking to any healthy eating or exercise plans in the past, so I'm taking it one step at a time.

Step 1: Remove all traces of nutella from my diet, as well as baked goods. Breads are ok, but good bread choices need to be made. And menu choices will be posted to help with food shopping and meal prep.

Let's try this for a week and see how it goes.

Wish me luck!