Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Power of Women

I've never really "gotten" tehillim. I mean, I know what they are. I
can say them, but I've watched with envy the way some people can lose
themselves in the saying of tehillim (Psalms).

Until this past year.

There is a belief that saying the entire book of tehillim twice can do
miraculous things. I don't pretend to understand the way G-d's mind
works, but I believe it. This past year we have had several friends go
through difficult surgeries. The word went out and the response was
astounding. At one gathering, there were so many women that it took
under 20 minutes to complete the entire Tehillim twice. I think
reading Tehillim takes practice and patience. I often read in English
- if I understand it, it will help me move towards the Hebrew.

What I found miraculous, despite the good news received each time, was
the bringing together of so many people from different backgrounds and
groups. Everyone focused on a single goal. All with love in their
heart focused on helping a friend to pull through a difficult time and

Miracles surround us every day. We just have to open our eyes to see them.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Growing up

Big N's birthday is coming up. She'll be hitting double digits.

On my 10th birthday my mom was super-emotional. I thought she was
nuts! I didn't get it.

I get it now.

When dropping N off at camp this morning, she saw a girl that she's
become friends with and asked me if she could just go in with her.
They met up and stood talking and being all girly for a a few minutes
before venturing inside. I'm sitting in my car almost in tears.
Definitely emotional.

She's growing up. I'm so happy. But the baby that made me a mommy is a
decade old.

Holy ...!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Painting: Camp Mommy

Some more pictures from last week's country retreat. Relaxing and
painting after fun in the pool. Inspirational. The kids really are
amazing artists, great colour mixers and they have a great eye for the
views around them.

Nothing like fresh air and sunshine: Camp Mommy

So last week was all about being in the country with the kids so I
didn't update much. Here are some pictures from the week. And what a
beautiful week it was!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Camp Mommy goes to the country

Cup of coffee in my hand and this view. Mornings don't get better than this.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Camp Mommy - Contemporary Art and more Sock Monkeys

Yesterday was a busy one. We started with swimming lessons, as usual, then we joined Little Z's class at the Contemporary Art Museum for a tour and workshop. Lots of fun - "Cool! Moving curtains!" "Look at that rock collection - it's even better than mine!".  Lots of questions - "Why do I see that man's private parts in the picture?" "Why is that sculpture made of broken mirrors?".

All in all, it was a lot of fun.


Next, we went to see my sister, brother-in-law and nephew, who are in town. It was the first time the cousins got to meet and it was so nice to see!

(And I got to see my sister!!!)

Finally, we ended off the day by working on our sock monkeys a bit more. They are starting to come together:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sock Monkeys at Camp Mommy

Today's activity was making sock monkeys. The kids had a blast. The
biggest complaint was that they wanted to finish the entire monkey in
one day. Sorry kids. This activity needs to last us a few days.

Here are some pictures of the project in progress. I will post more
pictures as the monkeys come together more.

Camp Mommy is getting the campers ready for bedtime.
Mommy needs some quiet time.
Peace out.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Every once in a while, I come across this website and I spend far too much time dreaming up what I'm going to use their stuff for. I love it! I have always had this weird love for store packaging. There is something "official" about food sent in take out containers. I can't explain it. It's one of my many quirks that my husband simply nods his head and laughs (he's usually the one to send me the links though!).
Click on the picture to get the link - have fun with it!

Friday, July 1, 2011

It's taken me almost 36 years to relax

Don't get me wrong. It's not a complete transformation.

I was scared of my own shadow growing up, I rarely see myself the way
others seem to see me, and I have always been a somewhat nervous
person. I have definitely come out of my shell over the years. In
fact, when I have told several people that I was a shy kid they were
actually really surprised. I don't run away from a challenge. I never
really did, but in my younger years I was much more of an observer
than an active participant in what happened around me.

You may be asking why I'm droning on about my childhood. Well, as a
passive kind of kid, I wasn't all that passive. I internalized
everything and stressed over all the details. I mean ALL of them.
Whether my parents would be ok with a decision that I had made, or my
friends would accept a new accessory that I fell in love with. Would I
make it to where I was going on time? Would I have everything ready in
time for shabbos?

I could never, NEVER understand how Israelis could spend the day
hiking somewhere, then come home and still be ready for shabbos. Most
weeks, no matter how late shabbos starts, I'm scrambling. Then I get
forgetful. I always forget something (last week, I forgot to light the

This Friday, here in Canada, is Canada Day. Our national holiday. No
school or work. Kids and hubby are all home. We decided to take the
kids to see a movie on the spur of the moment. On a Friday. When I
hadn't even started cooking. And I didn't stress. I enjoyed. The kids
had fun and we spent a few hours together.

And as I am about to light my candles (I will NOT forget this week!),
I have a few minutes to write this and feel proud of my (not so
little) accomplishment.

Shabbat shalom.