Thursday, June 23, 2011

Canada Post Strike

Maybe someone out there can help me out with this. I'm not an imbecile, but I realize that there must be a larger picture that I'm missing. Please correct me if you feel I'm misunderstanding something:

The labour union for postal workers was trying to negotiate a new collective agreement with Canada Post. Right?
They didn't like the agreement that Canada Post put on the table - wages too low, pension details...
Postal workers started rotating strikes.
Canada Post said "Enough of this!" and closed everything down until an agreement is reached.

Here's where a lot of people aren't going to like me very much.
What the hell is wrong with the postal workers??? You have a good job that pays better than a lot of people. You have great benefits. You feel you deserve more. I get that. We ALL feel that we deserve more. You want a better salary, go look for one. This is a democracy. Nobody is forcing you to stay in a job that you're not happy in. You work for the government. Canada Post is a NECESSARY service for the entire country.
Get over it!

Maybe I don't get it. Please enlighten me if you feel that I'm wrong.


  1. I also don't understand it... If they want to make more money then get another job. or learn to manage money and live under your means. I'm with you!

  2. Thanks for your comment! It's nice to see that I'm not the only one. I was sure that I was going to get a bunch of people bashing me for disagreeing with the union. I really don't think that the union is helping here. We are in a different world from the one where unions were created. I think they were necessary at the time, but world behaviour has changed enough that unions often cause more problems than they solve at this point.

  3. I am not sure I agree.
    I see it from a different point of view.

    By walking out (and then being shut down) Canadians are seeing that perhaps they can get along without a postal service in the form that it was. The end result might end up being a much different postal service that employs a fraction of the number of people it does today.

    I don't think that was the outcome they were looking for.


Thank you for your comments!