Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Back on track as vacation is about to start

I think I have entered a new phase of parenting.

When my kids were younger, I used to dread vacation. I knew that as soon as they were out of school/day care my days would come to a screeching halt. I got nothing done for work. Nothing done for the house. And my patience level, which isn't so high to start off with, was usually a long-lost memory within the first 6 minutes of the day.

I have had my youngest home for the last couple of days and I have come to the realization that I don't have babies anymore. It's no longer difficult for me run out of the house at a moments notice. They can just hop in the car with me. They can put on their own seatbelts. They can open and close the car door by themselves. Not that I can't do it for them, but there is a part of me that doesn't want to HAVE to. I want them to be independent creatures. I want them to WANT to be with me, but not NEED me for their every physical need. I know that I will regret ever having said this or felt this way, as they get older and I long for the baby smell and the little soft bodies that rely on you for everything, but for right now, I'm enjoying the stage that I'm in! I no longer dread vacation, but I long for it with the same excitement I did as a kid. Lazy mornings. Hot days playing outside. Days of practical nothingness.



  1. Me too! Camp mommy will Rock this year! I hope!

  2. I remember that point where I began to prefer vacation to having the kids in school.

  3. I have to say that I do Camp Mommy for, at least, a portion of every summer, but this is the first year I was really looking forward to it. At the same time, it is only day 4 and my house is upside down, I'm behind on my work, and I'm a lot more grouchy than usual. I think we will institute nap-time at the camp next week!


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