Thursday, June 30, 2011


I'm not what you would call a "music lover". My husband has the ability to sit and listen to music and just have it melt into his very being. I admire that about him.

For me, music is more background. Sometimes, pretty often actually, I will find something that just has me sit in awe whenever I hear it. Here is my current love:

There is an innate talent to singing that impresses me. At the same time, the majority of music just affects my moods without actually touching my soul. I had a revelation today though - that is enough for me. The mood effect that it has on me is so great that I can become this jumping, happy person or this sad, angry person just because of what is on around me. And if you asked me what I had been listening to, chances are I wouldn't be able to tell you.

What has been the number one song running through your head lately? If you can, post a link to the youtube version of it.



    You cannot listen to this and not just be overcome by emotion (doesn't matter what emotion it is - as long as it's there).

  2. You always say that it does not make you feel but it does. You just said it.
    "music just affects my moods"

    it is not just background music. It reaches in and affects how you feel.


    By the way, feel this

  3. I feel the same, I love music I can't just not have it on in my house or in the car. This song is just so powerful it's one of my favorites.

  4. @Casper - What's your current favourite?


Thank you for your comments!