Thursday, June 30, 2011


I'm not what you would call a "music lover". My husband has the ability to sit and listen to music and just have it melt into his very being. I admire that about him.

For me, music is more background. Sometimes, pretty often actually, I will find something that just has me sit in awe whenever I hear it. Here is my current love:

There is an innate talent to singing that impresses me. At the same time, the majority of music just affects my moods without actually touching my soul. I had a revelation today though - that is enough for me. The mood effect that it has on me is so great that I can become this jumping, happy person or this sad, angry person just because of what is on around me. And if you asked me what I had been listening to, chances are I wouldn't be able to tell you.

What has been the number one song running through your head lately? If you can, post a link to the youtube version of it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Stand back and let them learn

Like many kids, my monkeys are not big fans of stepping out of their
comfort zone. I wish they were, but the apple doesn't fall far from
the tree.

Watching them at swimming lessons this morning, I chose to sit as far
from them as I could. I wanted to watch them (as I pretended to read)
to see how they listened to their new teacher and to see if they tried
what she was trying to teach them. I don't give them enough credit. I
didn't think that they would do it. I expected screaming and a bit of
hysteria. To my surprise, and to the credit of a sweet teacher named
Chloe, I heard laughter and giggles and I watched as my kids raced
down the lanes of the pool to reach their new teacher.

Note to self 1: Give the monkeys more credit.

Note to self 2: Stay out of their way, and find them good teachers,
and they will push the limits of their comfort zone to learn new
skills that will knock your socks off!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Giving myself a time out

I've been a great mom today.
Started off the morning at swimming. Hung out a bit at home. Had a yummy lunch.
All the monkeys got changed to go to the sprinklers at the park. It started off well. My patience was much greater than it usually is. But I get really grumpy when I'm tired. The sun makes me tired.
I brought drinks. We drank them. I probably should have had more.
So, tired and slightly dehydrated, I lost all the patience that I had in abundance this morning.
My kids are now well watered. Fully snacked. Sitting in front of the boob-tube while I try and get some work done - hidden in my office-cave. I think the work is just an excuse. I need some time to myself. Being good all morning really did me in!

See pictures of the afternoon after the jump - 

A beautiful way to start summer vacation

Took the big monkeys to the pool to start their swimming lessons this
morning. The littlest monkey hung out with me at the pool and we had a
friendly game of chess while we waited around. He was pretty good. I
still won. Yes, I know he's five. I never said that I was looking for
a challenge. Most importantly, he's learning to be a good loser. I'm
so proud (and a bit competitive).

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Canada Post Strike

Maybe someone out there can help me out with this. I'm not an imbecile, but I realize that there must be a larger picture that I'm missing. Please correct me if you feel I'm misunderstanding something:

The labour union for postal workers was trying to negotiate a new collective agreement with Canada Post. Right?
They didn't like the agreement that Canada Post put on the table - wages too low, pension details...
Postal workers started rotating strikes.
Canada Post said "Enough of this!" and closed everything down until an agreement is reached.

Here's where a lot of people aren't going to like me very much.
What the hell is wrong with the postal workers??? You have a good job that pays better than a lot of people. You have great benefits. You feel you deserve more. I get that. We ALL feel that we deserve more. You want a better salary, go look for one. This is a democracy. Nobody is forcing you to stay in a job that you're not happy in. You work for the government. Canada Post is a NECESSARY service for the entire country.
Get over it!

Maybe I don't get it. Please enlighten me if you feel that I'm wrong.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Back on track as vacation is about to start

I think I have entered a new phase of parenting.

When my kids were younger, I used to dread vacation. I knew that as soon as they were out of school/day care my days would come to a screeching halt. I got nothing done for work. Nothing done for the house. And my patience level, which isn't so high to start off with, was usually a long-lost memory within the first 6 minutes of the day.

I have had my youngest home for the last couple of days and I have come to the realization that I don't have babies anymore. It's no longer difficult for me run out of the house at a moments notice. They can just hop in the car with me. They can put on their own seatbelts. They can open and close the car door by themselves. Not that I can't do it for them, but there is a part of me that doesn't want to HAVE to. I want them to be independent creatures. I want them to WANT to be with me, but not NEED me for their every physical need. I know that I will regret ever having said this or felt this way, as they get older and I long for the baby smell and the little soft bodies that rely on you for everything, but for right now, I'm enjoying the stage that I'm in! I no longer dread vacation, but I long for it with the same excitement I did as a kid. Lazy mornings. Hot days playing outside. Days of practical nothingness.
