Wednesday, July 15, 2009

No. I'm not. But thanks for asking.

I have a reverse body image problem. I was always the skinny kid growing up, and I sorta still see myself that way. After 3 kids, not much excercise, and no good eating habits, I'm not so much the skinny kid anymore. In no way am I fat, per se, but I'm definitely on the upper end of a healthy body weight for my height.
It's funny how G-d works though. I think it's a cosmic joke (a very bad joke) that I gain my weight in a way that makes me look like a cute pregnant person. Not fat-pregnant, but "oh, I have a fun little baby-belly" kinda pregnant. Which would, of course be fun and cute if I WAS pregnant. But I'm not. I just always look this way.

I also think that I must make people very comfortable, because a week does not go by (and this is by no means an exaggeration) where SOMEBODY does not ask me when I'm due. I'm not. I'm fat. You're not the first to ask me. I hear it all the time. Don't be embarassed. Stop apologizing. STOP ASKING!

Rule #1 of life - DO NOT ASK A WOMAN IF SHE IS PREGNANT UNLESS A BABY IS EMERGING FROM HER BODY AT THAT VERY MOMENT! There are very few ammendments to this rule. If she wanted you to know, she would have told you. If you didn't hear it from her or someone close to her, assume she's just getting fat and keep it to yourself.

I'm only venting because I hear it ALL THE TIME and it's tiring me out. I don't feel good about it, but I have no energy to change it at the moment. I always want to, but I haven't found the solution that works for me.

And yes, Nutella is not a diet food. I know.


  1. I get what you're saying, but, and I know this will be hard to appreciate, I wish I looked as lovely as you do while being not-thin (how else can one say this politely? lol). You are simply gorgeous, as you are, and while I am sure you want to bang some people's head against the wall, you are still gorgeous. Hopefully that eases the blow (and a spoonful of nutella, of course).

  2. You are too sweet! I always feel badly for the person asking because I know how embarrassed they will be when I break the news to them. At the same time...WTH!


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